Invisalign Refinements 101: What You Need to Know

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gratefuldentists @ 11:11 pm
Woman smiling with her first Invisalign refinements tray

If you’re currently straightening your teeth with Invisalign, you might have heard about something called “Invisalign refinements.” But what are they, and how do they fit into your treatment plan? Continue reading to delve into the world of Invisalign refinements and learn all about this sometimes-necessary aspect of your orthodontic treatment.

What are Invisalign Refinements?

Invisalign refinements are extra sets of aligners provided during your treatment if it’s not keeping pace with expectations. They are designed to address issues that may not have been fully corrected during the first phase of treatment. Essentially, these refinements fine-tune your smile to ensure optimal alignment and bite. 

Why Do I Need Refinements?

Even with careful planning and precise treatment, some cases may produce results outside of the projected model. This happens far more often than you’d think! Unpredicted movement, patient compliance, and even individual tooth conditions can cause the need for refinements.

How Do Refinements Work?

The process of refinement is just like regular Invisalign treatment; however, the added trays can add a few months to your plan. Your dentist will first assess your progress and decide if refinements are necessary to achieve your treatment goals. Next, new sets of aligners will be created to continue guiding your teeth. You’ll wear these aligners for a set duration according to your dentist’s instructions.

Invisalign refinements are often necessary to tune your smile and ensure that you achieve the best possible results from your treatment. Though it can be disheartening to add time to your plan, the result will be worth it! If you have any questions about refinements or your Invisalign treatment, don’t hesitate to consult with your dentist. They can give you personalized guidance to help you navigate your journey to a beautifully aligned smile.

About the Practice

At Grateful Dentists, Dr. Adam Danzig and Dr. Rachel Snook are passionate about providing top-notch dental care for all their patients. Whether you need a simple filling or an advanced treatment like Invisalign orthodontics, they have the advanced training and technology to create a custom treatment plan to fit your needs. Call (978) 667-2741 to schedule an Invisalign consultation or visit the website to learn more.

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